Aubrey Davis Park is a 90+ acre, 2.8 mile long recreation and transportation facility straddling Interstate 90 on Mercer Island. The land is owned by the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) and the City of Mercer Island (City). A key facility of the park is the Mountains to Sound Trail which links Bellevue and Seattle. The park facilities are approximately 25 years old. Capital reinvestment needs, regional growth, demographic trends, the construction of East Link light rail and King County Wastewater’s North Mercer Sewer Upgrade have contributed to the need for planning services for this park. WSDOT and the City are jointly developing this master plan, with the City acting as lead agency.
You can help shape the master plan by participating in surveys and meetings. To be added to the plan’s email list, send an email to paul.west@mercergov.org.